From Photographs to Paintings M/T All Levels with Natasha Foucault How can we choose from our hundreds of travel photos and turn them into really successful silk paintings? What makes a good photo to paint from? What parts of the image shouild you keep in, and what parts might you leave out? Natasha will teach you the steps she has perfected with decades of travel. There will be numerous photos, and images of the paintings she made from them, for you to study as you learn how to sketch, transfer, control moisture, blend and layer to bring your silk painting to life. Bring some of your favorite photos or choose from one of Natasha's.
From the black and white world of sense-dulling Moscow winters, to the glowing stained glass windows of Prague's cathedrals, Natasha has found beauty and mystery wherever she opens her eyes to see and paint. After moving to America, Natasha added the California coast and countryside to her repertoire, capturing shimmering images of sailboats, sea life, and sunsets from San Francisco to Morrow Bay. Natasha Focault has been creating fine art on silk and wearable art for over forty years. Her book "Silk Diary" details her flight from the perils of Perestroika to her eventual landing along the rich scenery of the California coast where, since 2017 she has had her own gallery, "Silk and Stone" in Half Moon Bay. Natasha participates regularly in the "Art Revolution" shows in Tapei and as a member of International Silk Congress, has two educational DVDs on her tyechniques and silk stylings.